Same things go for selling your home! I have always been intrigued by this school of thought and feel very strongly about using this to your advantage when your home is on the market. Here is a list of my suggestions and keep an eye out for future posts that digs a little deeper into each one!
Sight- Well, this one is the most obvious and important one! Your home needs to be appealing to the eye from the outside in. A fresh cleaning, decluttering and neutral colors are a great way to get the ball rolling.
Smell- This sense is my favorite! Warning- I will talk about smells more than anyone wants to read about it! Buyers will notice scents (good or bad) right as then enter through the front door and if there is anything unpleasant, the turn off is something that can not be undone. If your home is freshly cleaned, you are already ahead of the game. If there is a foul scent that is not corrected by a good cleaning, find the source of the scent and correct it. Period.
Touch- Do you ever notice when you are shopping how you touch everything- from the firmness of fruit at the grocery store, the softness of a towel at a department store, the silkiness of a scarf at a clothing store? Buyers do that, too, when they tour a home! The normal touchable surfaces (kitchen and bathroom counters, floors and more) make sense to keep clean and free of dirt, crumbs and stickiness. Buyers very well could touch a hand towel in your kitchen, maybe a blanket you have on a sofa, so make sure those are soft and clean too!
Hearing- I always love walking into a listing that has some sort of gentle music playing, it always makes me feel welcome! Jazz, classical, something in these genres work well and keep the sound low. It is especially important if you have a surround sound system that is included in the sale, highlighting it in this fashion might be just the ticket to getting your home sold!
Taste- I know, I know- taste in a home sale? Really? Yes, taste! Homes that had some kind of treat out- cookies or candy (or even something more creative), have always stood out in buyers' mind when we show homes. One home even had chilled water bottles available on a sweltering summer day w/ a note telling buyers to help themselves to one. It's a small, but nice gesture and tells a buyer that they want you to be comfortable in their home.
Long post, but filled with some of my favorite information. With so many homes on the market at any given time, these easy tips will make your home stand out from the rest and will get you one step closer to a sold sign in your yard!
Happy Selling!